An interesting reading about psychopaths is also: The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain, James Fallon, 2013. The author is a bit of a psycho himself which makes the book even better (and no, you don't want him as your surgeon or brother or ...).

A problem in politics is that it's an area for compromise. You can promise your voters whatever but once in power, it may not be so easy - practically or because of the different priorities etc of other people in power. For normal people that makes it hard; for habitual liars such as psychopaths, that's not a cost.

Of course, the public is at fault, too. If voters are ready to listen to statements with qualifications rather than sound bites, honest politicians have an easier life. Or if the public were better informed (eg some constituents were mad at my party for not delivering on an election promise, unaware of the fact that we are in opposition, not in government)

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Brian, this pairs well with your previous Substack regarding conspiracy and the political right. Question for you and others: What happens when people/politicians only have 2 of 3 or even 1 of 3 of the dark triad?

My guess is that narcissism is accompanied by some kind of psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies. For example, the right in the US is the party of grievance and victimhood. That definitely has a narcissistic bent, but also lacks empathy as well as if others do not have problems to bear. To me that is 2 of 3.

Or the Machiavellian “ends justify the means”? That is usually accompanied by narcissistic behavior. Again, 2 out of 3.

One can be politically savy and navigate the jungle that is politics in government and the corporate world while still having empathy and serving the greater good. Jimmy Carter comes to mind. But those people are few and far between. As you say, why would anybody want that gig.

So what are we to do? Cannot cure a mass psychosis so easily unless something terrible happens..see Italy and Germany in WW II. What will it take to change this dynamic?

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Interestingly, studies show that narcissism in isolation is correlated with higher earnings. When it doesn’t come with the psychopathy, it can produce wealth because a narcissist is obsessed with their image and that *can* sometimes help them do better in business, for example. But generally speaking, I think high doses of any of the three traits is likely to be destructive. And of course any measure of them is inevitably a bit subjective. Not trying to sell you more things, but the last third of “Corruptible” is all about concrete ideas to change these systems. I’m not optimistic that all ten proposals will get implemented anytime soon, though...

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Brian, you don’t have to sell me! I am already sold! Want to read it when I get the time.

As I have commented previously I have worked for an extreme malignant narcissist and can tell you he was “successful” in business until he was not. He definitely lacked empathy (hitting 2 out of 3). He is now persona non grata in the industry.

My hypothesis, based on my life experience, is that there are varying degrees of all three of the dark triad. Anybody who is “successful” has some degree of narcissism but that also can be confused with confidence in profession or interests, and outside of those areas, there is is little is any narcissism.

What I have observed is a narcissism that goes beyond just professional competence and confidence. It extends to other areas akin to the Dunning-Krueger effect. For example, a narcissistic tendency I have seen is to be very good at one aspect of business, but extends to a sense they are experts at everything (relationships, political machinations, other technical areas outside their expertise).

As this narcissism grows, it starts to intersect with a lack of empathy (nobody understands me because I am so good, so why should I bother to understand the

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The plebeians! It also tends to Machiavellian tendencies since the narcissist is all knowing in their mind and they will do what it takes to make the world in their vision. Kinda like Elon Musk!

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The left in the US is the party of grievance and victimhood. This gives rise to their political violence apparatus of BLM and Antifa to correct said grievances. The left creates movements of social division and separation such as affirmative action and reparations. Only people of color and non straight sexual orientation and identities are victims of oppression and violence..straight white conservatives never are.

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